Monday 21 March 2011

Eat Pray Love (2010)

I avoided this like I do so many films upon release due to it's lack of appeal and total bombing by the critics. I had hit a complete brick wall in terms of something to watch and the trailer sortof sold me, in terms of what I was in the mood for anyway. After the first half an hour I was already regretting my decision.

Julia Roberts's character was very annoying throughout and that fact was not helped by the 300 minutes run time that this film seemed to have. I don't wish to spoil anything for those lucky people that haven't seen this one but if a woman needs to be told by a guru that she's in love, that woman is beyond help. This films only saving grace is the scenery, Javier Bardem, Richard Jenkins and a touch of Billy Crudup. That apart, this one is a total waste of time.

Not a total failure, but so long that it drains out any form of positive that you have gained by the end.

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